
茶料 山科について

About us

日本茶鑑定士・山科康也が福岡県朝倉市で営む製茶問屋山科茶舗の小売部門「製茶所山科」。この分店として福岡市中央区赤坂にお店が出来ました。本格的な日本茶とスイーツが楽しめる極上の茶空間「茶料 山科」です。

Certified Tea Appraiser Yasunari Yamashina is the proprietor of Yamashina Tea Shop, "Seichajo Yamashina," a distinguished tea wholesaler based in Asakura City, Fukuoka Prefecture. We are delighted to announce the opening of our new retail branch in the heart of Akasaka, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City. Experience "Saryo Yamashina," an exquisite sanctuary dedicated to the art of Japanese tea and delectable sweets.

日本茶の選定は、九州内の有名産地はもとより、全国の茶産地・茶農家から選りすぐりのお茶を日本茶鑑定士・山科康也が直接選定。朝倉の自社工場で製茶合組を加えた、最高の日本茶を味わうことができます。デザートは、東京・神楽坂にある、予約の取れない有名店「VERT」 代表パティシエ田中俊大氏が山科の日本茶を使い監修。タッグを組んで作り上げた個性的で魅惑的な食・時間・空間を愉しめるお店です。

Master Tea Appraiser Yasunari Yamashina meticulously selects the finest teas from premier tea-growing regions in Kyushu and throughout Japan. Crafted with the art of expert blending at our dedicated facility in Asakura, we offer you nothing less than the pinnacle of Japanese tea. In collaboration with celebrated Tokyo-based Kagurazaka pastry chef Toshihiro Tanaka of the exclusive "VERT," our desserts are thoughtfully designed to complement Yamashina's curated tea selection. Together, we present you with "Saryo Yamashina," a haven of unparalleled indulgence where every moment, flavor, and ambiance is uniquely captivating.

810-0042 福岡市中央区赤坂1‐5‐3 オクターブビル2F Map
営業時間:11:00 〜 20:00
